Aug 19, 2013


"Readers will enjoy the page-turning adventure, the quirky characters and the revenge factor. This book is destined to become a favorite read-aloud for librarians and classroom teachers. It is a must-have for middle school libraries." - Children's Literature. Probably this is the best way you can describe the book 'Swindle' by Gordon Korman.  Plot of the Story: When 6th grader Griffin Bing finds a valuable baseball...

Aug 15, 2013

The 39 Clues: Cahills VS. Vespers

The 39 Clues series are full with danger, excitement, puzzles, and keeps readers on the edge of their seat. This is the second collection of the New York Times bestselling series. It’s my personal favorite as it consists of heart pounding adventures,and cryptic riddles. In this series there are 6 books: The Medusa Plot, A King’s Ransom, The Dead of Night, Shatterproof, Trust No One, and Day of Doom. The plot of the story: When thirteen...

Aug 12, 2013

The Potful of Wisdom

The stories of Birbal always have been my all-time favorites. Today, I am going to share one of my favorite stories. This story is special to me as my great-grandpa used to tell my mom and my mom told this story to me. Hope you’ll enjoy it too. One day, an envoy from the court of the kingdom of Ceylon came to Emperor Akbar’s court on an unusual mission. He announced, “I have been sent by my king to ask you for a potful of wisdom. You have very wise men at your court, so my king’s request will be fulfilled here. ” Everybody including...

Aug 6, 2013

Winter The Dolphin

On December 10, 2005 a 2 month old dolphin was found off the coast of Mosquito Lagoon trapped in a crab trap. Jim Savage , a fisherman, found the dolphin and decided to free it. After he freed the dolphin he called Fish And Wildlife Conservation Commission. The rescue party came and took her back to the center. Since the dolphin was found in the season of winter, they decided to call her Winter. Winter was placed in a holding tank. But the unfortunate dolphin...

Masters of Disaster

                  by Gary Paulsen "Lets face facts: we  may be the most boring twelve-year olds on the planet."  This is how Henry Mosley delineates their life to his best pals, Reed Hamner and Riley Dollen. Eventually, he convinces them to go on  extreme adventures. This leads them to attempting craziest ideas like riding a bicycle off a roof, camping out alone in...

Amazon: The Deadliest Rain Forest On Earth

The Amazon rain forest in South America is the largest rain forest on Earth. It covers 2.124 million sq miles (5.5 million km²). This rain forest contains the Amazon river, exotic animals, and majestic views. But what you don't know that Amazon rain forest has some of the world's most dangerous animals on the planet. Let's get to know more about these wild beasts of the jungle, if you dare.....     BULL SHARK :...

Denali : Alaska's Frontier

Denali National Park is a place full with exotic nature, rare views, and is home to North America's tallest mountain, Mt. McKinley, or as the natives call it, Denali which means "high one". Denali National Park is very large. In fact, the park itself is bigger than the state Massachusetts! This park is divided into three sections. They are the taiga, tundra and alpines.  Denali is well known for its diversity of wildlife. Most...

Australia's Deadly Wildlife

  Australia is the most popular destination nowadays. Even though, for travelers it's paradise getaway , but it's also home to some of the most venomous and deadly animals of the planet. These creatures can kill you in mere seconds. Let's take a look of Australia's deadly wildlife :    BOX JELLYFISH : Box jellies aka sea wasps live primarily in the coastal region of Northern Australia. The smack is nearly  invisible...

How To Train Your Dragon

Everybody knows about the popular movie that DreamWorks made, How To Train Your Dragon. But did you know it was based on a popular book series?  The How To Train Your Dragon series was written by Cressida Cowell. However, the story for the books is a little more interesting.   Though there is a big difference in the plot of books, there is no war between humans and dragons. Instead, they are friends and allies. When...

It's Kodu Time!

I am always looking forward to playing video games with my friends. My all time favorite video games are Super Mario Bros., Wii Sports Resort, Poke' Park 2: Wonders Beyond, and Mario Kart. Have you ever wondered what it's like to design your own video game? If so, here is some good news. : Kodu is a game designing software created by Microsoft. Once your game is finished you can publish your game on Kodu's website.   What makes Kodu...

From Expedition: Everest to Mission: SPACE

You can get info about Disney World from so many sources. But the only way to learn about this unique destination is to experience it. Disney World takes you on a fabulous journey of fantasy, thrills, and beyond our Earth. Makes everyone from child to adult gleeful. There are never ending activities that keep you busy and you are never get tired of it. Here are my favorite things to do at Disney World. Expedition: Everest This fast ride involves you going through Mt. Everest, the tallest mountain in the world. When you go to...

Dancing With The Sharks

My last visit to NASA turned into a pleasant surprise. I would have never imagined that I will watch "a shark show" at the space center.  In Seaworld they don't have any shark shows. I was so mesmerized by the show so I couldn't resist the urge to recommend this show to you. In this show there were real life sharks! The sharks were nurse sharks and they only attack people when they are threatened. The co-host of the show explained...

The Worst Case Scenario: Deadly Seas, You Decide How To Survive!

The Worst Case Scenario series gives the reader a different reading experience, instead of reading the book from beginning to end, there are choices in the book which have multiple options and you must choose the right one or you might go to the wrong ending. In the Deadly Seas book by David Borgenicht and Alexander Lurie with Mike Perham, sailing consultant, you are the youngest group to sail across the whole world! You encounter...

Websites I Really Like

Everybody has different hobbies. Now a days there are so many options to select from. I like to play games on my laptop. So I'm writing this post about my favorite websites. I will write more in my next post. Pottermore Since the Harry Potter books and movies have ended, J. K. Rowling decided to create Pottermore, a website that allows you to travel through the books. Each book contains scenes from the chapters and allow you to collect items. You can even go to Diagon Alley to buy supplies for your journey,you get chosen into  the...

My Videos

These are some videos I created. Hope you will find them interesting and entertaining!!!  My first video is about unsolved mysteries I thought of. These are scientific mysteries. TOP 4 MYSTERIES The second video is about my favorite real life pranks!!!  I read all these pranks in Prank star by Tim Bugbird and I like these pranks so much I couldn't resist myself to share with you all. TOP 10 REAL LIFE PRANKS     So N'joy these videos and comments are welcome. ...

Some More Books...

Today, I just want to give book recommendations.. Harry Potter books    By J. K. Rowling 11 year-old Harry Potter thinks his life is miserable with  his Aunt Petunia, Uncle Vernon, and their son, Dudley. But A strange letter from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry changes his life. He is a wizard!  In these series, Harry experiences 7 years at Hogwarts with his friends, enemies, and the most powerful...