Jul 16, 2015

We're Being Invaded!!!

The aliens are in the U.S!...

Jul 15, 2015

Siege of Earth

This is a short story I've written. Hope you like it!  Siege of Earth The company of Genoware Corporation­­a biotech firm­­was looking for a research breakthrough for past several months. The CEO of the company had been given an ultimatum to show some progress by its investors. Now their only hope was a project launched last year, in 2121. The project was to search space for signs of extraterrestrial life with their satellite, called Explorer, and its probe Darwin . If successful, then Darwin would obtain...

May 31, 2015


 Kites are a common type of flying device ignored by the technological advancements of today. A kite is a toy that has a light frame with a thin material covering it. A long string determines the flight path of the kite.The kite glides. But do you know how the kite works?    First, let us define a kite. A kite is a child’s toy that has a frame that is light and has very thin material which stretches over it and is flown in the...

Ungifted by Gordon Korman

The book Ungifted by Gordon Korman is about a boy named Donovan Curtis who plays a major prank at his school. When he is about to get punished later, a mess-up occurs, and he lands into ASD (Academy of Scholastic Distinction). ASD is a school that is for the gifted students within the district. Donovan, on the other hand, isn't what you would call "gifted". However, Donovan finds safe refuge in the Academy from the punishment. Despite the...

Killer Species #4: Ultimate Attack

"No chances." is the mantra of Dr. Catalyst, the infamous geneticist, had plans for the eradication of invasive species from the Floridian environment  with the help of genetically engineered hybrid predators....

Apr 4, 2015

Pelorus Jack: Dolphin GPS

Imagine that your ship is lost in the middle of the New Zealand's Pelorus Sound, a waterway. You need to get to the French Pass.There is no GPS, barely any maps, and no knowledgeable person to guide you. Your crew is starting to lose hope, and you are desperate to have some instructions to guide you. But then all of a sudden, a dolphin surges up ahead of you.You start to follow the dolphin because you have no other option, and he navigates you to...