Aug 6, 2013

Dancing With The Sharks

My last visit to NASA turned into a pleasant surprise. I would have never imagined that I will watch "a shark show" at the space center.  In Seaworld they don't have any shark shows. I was so mesmerized by the show so I couldn't resist the urge to recommend this show to you.
In this show there were real life sharks! The sharks were nurse sharks and they only attack people when they are threatened. The co-host of the show explained that the main host will be diving in with the sharks. He informed us that the diver (the host) has encountered some problems with sharks.
For example one time the diver got bitten in the head once but it wasn't that bad because these animals have small teeth. But the diver still dives because the sharks were rescue sharks and the government doesn't allow them to be released into the wild so the sharks had to rotate between zoos and rescue foundations. When the diver dived in the tank with sharks, I was tense because I thought the he was going to get ambushed by a shark! But luckily he didn't. Then he did something hilarious. He grabbed a nearby shark and pretended to dance with it!. He also ride on the sharks, pretend to play music on(shark as) guitar etc.
When he came out he got a shark tooth. He was feeling generous that day, so he said that he would give everyone a shark tooth. I really believed what he said but it was a trick! He said that you have to get the teeth yourself and for that you have to enter in the shark tank. The show was really awesome and remember, the next time you visit NASA make sure to see the shark show first!
You can get more info about this show HERE.


There are also other absolute must see attractions at NASA , about those I'll write sometime soon. So keep reading...


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