Aug 6, 2013

Winter The Dolphin

On December 10, 2005 a 2 month old dolphin was found off the coast of Mosquito Lagoon trapped in a crab trap. Jim Savage , a fisherman, found the dolphin and decided to free it. After he freed the dolphin he called Fish And Wildlife Conservation Commission. The rescue party came and took her back to the center. Since the dolphin was found in the season of winter, they decided to call her Winter. Winter was placed in a holding tank. But the unfortunate dolphin lost her tail because of the rope that was wrapped around Winter's tail when she got trapped. All that was left was a stump. So Winter worked in her new condition by moving the stump from side to side ( a dolphin's tail usually moves up and down ). Although this method of swimming may be useful for the dolphin, it prevented her muscles from growing properly. A prosthetic limb maker, Kevin Carrol decided to help Winter by making a prosthetic tail. When the tail was completed they put it on Winter. Winter had to be retrained to swim the correct way as dolphins should swim. However, Winter can only wear her new tail for a hour or less each day because if she wears it too long, it will damage her skin. Today, Winter is very healthy and happy at Clearwater Marine Aquarium at Florida.


The movie, 'Dolphin Tale' is inspired by Winter's story and the real winter plays herself in it. I really like  movies based on true stories. Because of this movie, I get to know about Winter's fight for survival visually. What I like the most about Winter is she didn't relinquish the fight. It was really hard for everyone as nobody was certain about her fate. But there was a miracle and Winter's story has a happy ending. After all,we do love happy endings, don't we ?

You can meet Winter HERE.


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